Digital Library
Lower Saxony regional portals
Collaborative portals
Subject portals
- Berlin
- Digital collection of the National institute of music research PK, Berlin
- Collection of ornament engravings art library, Berlin
- Gotha
- Göttingen
- Halle
- Hannover
- Berlin:
- CrossAsia Open Access Repository
- Institutional Repository ZMO
- IntR2Dok -specialized information service for international and interdisciplinary Legal research
- KartDok - cartography repository of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK
- OEDIPUB - Open documents of the IPU-Library
- OpenAgrar - collective repository of research institutions affiliated with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Publication server of the ibero-american Institute (IAI)
- Publication server of the Weierstrauß-Institute for applied analysis and stochastics (WIAS)
- SlavDok - Documentserver of the specialist information service slavistic studies, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK
- Spktrum - Open-Science repository of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SPK)
- Bonn:
- Brunswick:
- Clausthal:
- Hagen:
- Halle (Saale):
- Hannover:
- Hildesheim:
- Iserlohn:
- Mannheim
- Thurgau:
- Venice:
- University Bibliography of Thuringia (ThUniBib)
- Hagen
- Kiel
- Köln
Research Infrastructure
- Berlin
- Emporion - Research data hub for social and economic history
- Database of pilgrims badges
- Syrian Heritage Project of Museum for Islamic Art Berlin State Museum
- Flensburg
- Göttingen
- Hildesheim
- Hannover
- Jena
- Paris
- Münster
- Nürnberg
- Oldenburg
Central Services
- VZG-Bilddatenbank - Image-Database of the VZG
- kuniweb - Acquisition-Database for museal collection holdings
- naniweb - Acquisition-Database for scientific collection holdings
- KENOM - Acquisition-Database for numismatic collections
- Goobi - Central proposal for digitization projects
DANTE – Data hub for authority files and terminology