
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1
37073 Göttingen

Directions and Map

Contact Persons for End User

For Questions about the Online Interlibrary Loan please contact your library FAQs


Technical Service
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.- 18:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.- 13:00 a.m.
Operating 0551/39-31900


Executive Director Reiner Diedrichs 0551/39-31001
Office N.N. 0551/39-31000
Financial Administration Maren Fuhlroth 0551/39-31011
Public Relations and Marketing Dr. Ute Sandholzer 0551/39-31003

Library Support

Head of the Department Reiner Diedrichs (kommissarisch) 0551/39-31001
Cataloguing K10plus-Support

Local Library Systems

Head of the Department Kirstin Kemner-Heek


Support for GBV-Member Libraries LBS-Hotline

Digital Library

Head of the Department Frank Dührkohp 0551/39-31301
Kulturerbe NDS Iris Pallasch 0551/39-31304
naniweb Burga Thies 0551/39-31308
Goobi Michael Herrmann 0551/39-31307
MyCoRe / Reposis Kathleen Neumann 0331/64734814
KENOM Iris Pallasch 0551/39-31304


Head of the Department Gerald Steilen 0551/39-31401
Lukida Alexander Karim
K10plus-Zentral Tillmann Kinstler 0551/39-31414
Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) Moritz Horn 0551/39-31412

Application Support

Head of the Department Dr. Christoph Grebe 0551/39-31666
Public Libraries Matthias Lange 0551/39-31619
WinIBW Karen Hachmann 040/42838-2902
CBS ILL System Regina Willwerth 0551/39-31610
Delivery Service MyBib eDoc Anke Schröter 0551/39-31612
Alerting Service für Library Staff Dr. Andreas Krausz 0551/39-31606

Systems Engineering

Head of the Department Dennis Benndorf 0551/39-31777
IT-Support IT-Support 0551/39-31900