GBV Databases
This is the freely accessible Common Union Catalogue (GVK) of the Common Library Network (GBV) and the Library Network Southwest Germany (SWB) with the all material being relevant fort the GBV Interlibary Loan.
This Common Union Catalogue (GVK) covers the holdings of over 72.6 million records of more than 1,110 GBV and SWB member libraries with over 183.0 million separate catalogue entries of books, conference proceedings, periodicals, dissertations, microfilms and electronic resources. The periodicals of all subito-supplying libraries and other university libraries from Germany are also integrated.
Access is free of charge.
Nearly all titles listed can be ordered via Inter Library Loan (ILL) or subito document delivery service.
Union Catalogue incl. Online Contents - GVK-PLUS
In GVK-PLUS you have access to all records of the GBV Common Union Catalogue and the articles of scientific periodicals of Online Contents indexed together.
The data of the GVK-Database are not updated anymore!
Please use the GVK-Database on K10plus-basis for ILL requests!
GVK-PLUS covers the holdings of over 49.7 million records of more than 550 GBV member and associated libraries. Additionally 48.8 million articles from over 27,900 scientific periodicals of the OLC Database beginning with the year of publication 1993 are included.
The Online Contents records are updated daily and supplemented weekly with the tables of contents of more than 8,300 periodicals from Special Subject Collections.
Over 117.9 million separate catalogue entries of books, conference proceedings, periodicals, articles, dissertations, microfilms and electronic resources as well as the periodicals of all subito-supplying libraries and other university libraries from Germany can be ordered online via Inter Library Loan (ILL) or subito document delivery service.
The Online Contents database (OLC) covers the holdings of more than 49.9 million records of articles from over 27,900 scientific periodicals beginning with the year of publication 1993.
OLC is supplemented weekly with the tables of contents of more than 8,700 periodicals from different Libraries.
Nearly all title holdings can be ordered by Online Interlibrary Loan (ILL) or document delivery service subito.